“Let Me Introduce Myself”
The Beautiful Game
Emily Furmedge Age: 16
Protestant Girl.
“….. I was very pleased yet intrigued to be cast in The Beautiful Game as I was unable to audition I didn’t know what to expect. I soon discovered that my character is striving for a Protestant Northern Ireland and is an activist within the Protestant movement. She is passionate and expressive about her religion and religious upbringing……”
“….. I have tried to portray my character with a strong and believable air to her and have also tried to portray the futility of religious violence that can only lead to sorrow and loss clearly evident throughout the show. There is a clear message contained in The Beautiful Game that unfolds throughout its staging that we can all learn from. The course of history has been repeated so many times and we can all try harder to learn from the past……”
My favourite number is “The Craic” it is lively and filled with happiness contrasting with the overwhelming sense of sadness contained in other scenes of the show, it injects that needed boost of LIFE……”
“Let Me Introduce Myself” Emily Furmedge.